Power saving tip number one : Flash output

Power saving tip number one : Flash output

Just a short blog for underwater photographers. Did you know that if you are using a strobe on manual power with a fibre optic cable for triggering your camera flash will trigger the strobe on any setting. This means you can set your flash to manual on the lowest power available, which will save you considerable camera battery power if you haven't already been doing it. 

What makes a good underwater camera ? Part 5 Having a Flash

What makes a good underwater camera ? Part 5 Having a Flash

Hope that subtitle doesn't attract the wrong sort of people!

Having a flash on your camera gives you a number of options beyond shooting available light which I discussed earlier in the blogs about Custom White Balance and shooting RAW.

What makes a good underwater camera ? Part 3 The ability to add a wide angle lens

What makes a good underwater camera ? Part 3 The ability to add a wide angle lens

When shown someone's underwater pictures and asked how to improve them the most common thing the Alphamarine team find themselves saying is 'get closer'. Reducing the distance between you and your subject means less water between the camera and what you are photographing. What a wide angle lens allows you to do is frame the same subject in your picture but from a much shorter distance.