I recently tested the INON S220 strobe and made a YouTube video about it. Here it is and if you want more details about our prices for the strobe and the accessories available for it you’ll find them below the video.
Video: How to clean the o ring on your underwater housing
A Guide to Trays and Handles for Underwater Photography
One of the most common accessories to add to an underwater housing is a tray. Trays allow you to have a handle or pair of handles to give a steadier grip when using your camera and also allow the mounting of an arm system to use strobes or video lights.
A Guide to White Balance on the Olympus TG6
Cold Shoe Mounts for Underwater Camera Housings
A Guide to 1" Ball Arm Clamps for Underwater Photography
For underwater photography the most popular arm systems for positioning strobes or video lights are those that use 1”/25mm ball ended arms with clamps to hold them together. These clamps are made by lots of brands, come in a range of designs with cost and quality varying. This blog is an explanation of the differences between the clamps we sell and an explanation of the uses you might have for the non-standard types of clamp available.