
Using the Olympus 30mm f/3.5 Macro Lens for Underwater Photography

Using the Olympus 30mm f/3.5 Macro Lens for Underwater Photography

I thought I’d start off a new series looking at the range of Micro Four-Third lenses I use for taking underwater pictures and kick things off with the M. Zuiko Digital ED 30mm f/3.5 Macro lens.

Taking close up pictures with the Olympus & OM System TG cameras. Which focusing distances do you get in different modes?

Taking close up pictures with the Olympus & OM System TG cameras. Which focusing distances do you get in different modes?

The macro capabilities of the TG cameras are regarded as one of their strongest features. In this blog I’m going to take a look at the settings on the various camera models that give you the ability to get closest to those tiny critters.

Underwater Macro Photography Tips : Part 1 Intro and Wet Lenses

Underwater Macro Photography Tips : Part 1 Intro and Wet Lenses

I'm a big fan of macro photography as some of you'll be well aware. For folk keen on marine life it concentrates your mind on what can be found on almost any dive. I never do a dive and come up saying I've not seen anything, there's always some tiny new critter to come across.