Most underwater housings for cameras have a cold shoe AKA accessory shoe on them. In this blog I’m going take a look at the mount options available and what you can use them for.
What do the Aperture settings on the TG6 actually do?
A Guide to 1" Ball Arm Clamps for Underwater Photography
For underwater photography the most popular arm systems for positioning strobes or video lights are those that use 1”/25mm ball ended arms with clamps to hold them together. These clamps are made by lots of brands, come in a range of designs with cost and quality varying. This blog is an explanation of the differences between the clamps we sell and an explanation of the uses you might have for the non-standard types of clamp available.
Taking Underwater Pictures With Your Camera's Built-in Flash
Maintenance Tips for Underwater Photography Equipment
The INON UCL-67 Underwater Close-up Lens
Choosing a Compact Camera For Underwater Photography. Phil Medcalf and Adam Hanlon chat on Wepixel Live
In the second of our chats on Wetpixel Live Adam and I talk about what to think about when buying a compact camera for underwater photography.
Phil and Adam Hanlon talk about using compact cameras underwater on Wetpixel Live
At the Go Diving Show a couple of weeks ago I was asked by Adam Hanlon of Wetpixel to do a couple of chats on their Wetpixel Live YouTube series. Here’s the first of them where we talk about the trends in entry level equipment for underwater photography and why in general a compact camera is still a good option.
We are dealers in a range of underwater photography equipment and also run workshops in the UK and overseas. Email to book on workshops, buy equipment or get advice.
Camera Power Saving Tips for Underwater Photography
One of the most significant limitations for underwater photography is that you can’t change your camera battery during a dive. Because of this it’s a wise move to keep your camera’s power consumption to a minimum, so here’s a range of tips on how to get as much shooting as possible from that battery.
Strobe Talk Part Two: Tour of the Inon S2000
Following on from my previous talk, this one takes a specific look at the Inon S2000 which is our best selling strobe. I cover all the features and controls including how to set it up for cameras with and without pre-flash. i also explain how the quite small controls can be operated when wearing gloves.